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Dorchester Quaker Local Meeting

All events take place in the Meeting House in Holloway Road unless otherwise specified. Please see other pages of the website for directions.

Meeting for Worship each Sunday in the Meeting House 10.30am All Welcome.


7th July Meeting for Worship at 10.30 followed by local business meeting led by the Clerking team (Mike and Marigold this time) from 12 to 1pm. All welcome. Please be sure to check your inbox for the agenda.

14th July Meeting for Worship at 10.30

17th July Midweek Shared lunch at 12.30 led by Eldership and Pastoral Care Friends.

21st July Meeting for Worship at 10.30

28th Breakfast Meeting at 9.15 led by the Eldership and Pastoral Care Friends followed by Meeting for Worship at 10.30.

Britain Yearly Meeting, the annual gathering of the whole of the Yearly Meeting including England, Scotland, Wales and the islands (Ireland Yearly Meeting has one single YM) takes place from 26th to 30th of July. There are a number of important lectures which take place at Yearly Meeting each year and one of them is the Salter Lecture, (named after Ada and Alfred Salter, famous Quaker Socialists from Bermondsey in London). This year the Salter Lecture ,organised by the Quaker Socialist Society at the time of Quakers’ Britain Yearly Meeting, will be on Monday 29th July, 7.00-9.00 pm at Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BB, admission by ticket only. It will also be online. 

 This year the title is ‘War and Peace’ and the lecture is shared by Jeremy Corbyn and Paul Ingram. Tickets can be booked on the QSS website and on  www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/online-salter-lecture-2024-war-and-peace-tickets-936561038277?aff=oddtdtcreator.


3rd August Meeting for Worship at 10.30

10th August Meeting for Worship at 10.30

17th August Meeting for Worship at 10.30

24th August Meeting for Worship at 10.30

31st August Meeting for Worship at 10.30

There are no shared lunches or breakfast meetings during August.

Local Quaker Business Meeting

These are held every two months and all are welcome to attend (next one is on the 7th of September). The Clerking team are currently Marigold, Mike and Tess who share the Clerking responsibilities (clerks.dorchester@gmail.com). Please contact one of them if you have an item which you want to be included in the agenda for LQBM. Minutes are taken at these meetings so please ask an Elder if you would like to see them.

Church events in Dorchester (Our representative on Churches Together in Dorchester is Sarah)

Firm Roots is a Christian cancer support group.

Dorchester Firm Roots Cancer Support Prayer group

Wednesdays, 2:00pm – 3:30pm 17 th July 2024 21 st August 2024 18 th September 2024

Dorchester Family Church Office: 2 Red Cow Business
Park, Long Bridge Way, Dorchester DT1 1YD
Join us for friendship, encouragement, reflections, refreshments and prayer for anyone affected by cancer.
Everyone welcome. Email: dorsetfirmroots@admin

Please also get in touch if you would like to go on our prayer list and our group will pray for you.

Acorn Christian Healing Foundation

Dorchester Hub The Quiet Space Poundbury DT1 3RG

Second Wednesday and Third Friday of each month


All very welcome, any faith or none

Dorset Music Therapy Service

Are delighted to invite you to experience singing with the Dorset Wellbeing Choir In a fun environment which fosters confidence for those with communication difficulties, together with their carers, family and friends.

Specifically designed for people with aphasia and those living with dementia.

When? 1St & 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 10.00 – 11.15 £6.00 per session

Where? The Quiet Space, Poundbury, Dt1 3RQ

To find out more contact Music Therapist Paul Martin 07788 1850 48 dorsetmusictherapy@outlook.com


Quakers are part of the World Wide Family of Quakers and the Around Europe Newsletter has articles from various aspects of Quaker activity across the Europe and Middle East Section latest issue of Among Friends. https://www.fwccemes.org/file_download/518/Among_Friends_159.pdf

Individual Quakers are involved in a range of social action activities and some are mentioned here.

For those interested in the demonstrations and protests in relation to Israel and Palestine, there is a Dorset Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Contact dorsetpsc1@admin or dorsetstopthewar@gmail.com 

The  Quaker Socialist Society meets online from time to time – and had a recent meeting on how we promote Quaker values in state schools and private Quaker schools.  Prof Francis Green spoke about his book on private schools: Engines of Privilege.  See the Quaker Socialist Society website for further details.

We encourage Friends to see a Lecture by Revd Munther Isaac, a Palestinian Christian on https://quakersocialists.org.uk/.